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"A Team Building a Kingdom for Christ"
Deacon MinistryMinistry Leaders: Dea. Jake Curtis, Chair and Dea. Tony Pope, Co-Chair Mission Statement: To be servants in the Church as outlined in Acts chapter 6. To carry out the assignments as appointed by Pastor, being men of honest report, full of the Holy Spirit and Wisdom. To assist the Pastor, and use the office of deacon to a good degree; visiting the sick, praying for the down trodden and depressed. To assist in the Worship experience, Communion and Baptism, always serving in the spirit of Mathews 23:11-12.
Deaconess MinistryMinistry Leaders: Deaconess Wanda Johnson, Chair and Deaconess Eleanor Pope, Co-Chair Mission Statement: The Mission of the Deaconess Ministry is to help provide spiritual growth to the congregation through prayer, teaching and outreach ministries; to mentor and instill Christian values and beliefs in young women. To assist the Deacon Ministry by preparing for Communion Services, maintaining Communion vessels and linens, and preparing for Baptism.
Church Clerk MinistryClerk: Sis. Anita Hester Mission Statement: Is to ensure that the church’s records are maintained and that the church’s business is properly documented. The Church Clerk works in close relationship with Pastor, Church Officers as well as the members. The Clerk has the accountability for managing all of the church business with integrity, confidentiality and honesty.
Finance MinistryMinistry Leaders: Bro. Robert Brooks, Treasurer, Sis. Etta Pruitt, Financial Sect, Sis. Vernell Johnson, Chair and Sis. Loretta Vickers, Co-Chair of the Finance Ministry. Mission Statement: Is to ensure the financial support of the ministry of Gospel, by elevating the mindset of God’s people, stewarding God’s resources with integrity and accountability.
Trustee MinistryMinistry Leaders: Sis. Ruthie Jones, Chair and Bro. Leon Mincey, Co-Chair Mission Statement: Is to serve as legal representative for the church, in conjunction with the Pastor and the Clerk of the church. The Ministry is responsible for the care and the maintenance of the church’s property. The Trustee is accountable to the church, pastor and must manage all of the church’s business with integrity and honesty.
Sunday School MinistryMinistry Leaders: Dea. Ben Johnson, Superintendent, Sis. Georgetta Royals and Sis. Patrice McElhaney The Mission: St. Stephen Missionary Baptist Church Sunday School is to encourage spiritual growth to youth and adults as well as to promote, instruct and continually educate the church to rightly divide the Word of truth. Our greatest Mission is as Christ commanded in Matthew 28:19 and 20 “Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, the Son and of the Holy Ghost; Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you. And Lo I am with you always even until the end of the world.”
New Member’s MinistryMinistry Leaders: Sis. Rubia N. Ford and Sis. Tiffany Sorrell Mission Statement: To encourage the Will of God in the life of the people of God by providing all new members basic Christian principles, especially Christian discipleship. To encouraging their participation in church ministry as well as their commitment to Sunday school ministry and other Bible Studies.
Wednesday Bible Study MinistryMinistry Leaders: Rev. Barbara J. Williams and the Ministerial Staff. Mission: To study God’s word, make disciples out men and women who will tell about the goodness of God and the relationship that we have with him through Jesus and the Holy Spirit.
Women’s Bible Study MinistryMinistry Leaders: Sis. Rubia N. Ford and Sis. Sylvia M. Glover Mission Statement: To foster spiritual growth in the women of our church and community by offering Bible study opportunities geared to meet women at their level of spiritual experience and need.
Intercessory Prayer MinistryMinistry Leaders: Sis. Rubia N. Ford and Sis. Cherry Worthy Mission Statement: Our mission is to pray “fervent effectual” prayers for our pastor, church and community as we are led by the Spirit of God. We are watchman on the wall, with a constant prayerful attitude and readiness to intercede at any time.
Ministerial Prayer line MinistryMinistry Leader: Min. Zanders Wooden Is to pray with their hearts open to God, in the name of Christ, being moved by Holy Spirit; on behalf those requesting prayer.
Pastor’s Aid MinistryMinistry Leaders: Sis. Nadine Morris and Sis. Diane Smith Mission Statement: The mission of the ministry is to aid the Pastor and his family. We are to ensure the Pastor has everything he needs in his office and pulpit and to keep him lifted up in prayer as well as anticipating his need.
Women’s MinistryMinistry Leaders Sis. Pamela Hurt and Sis. June Stewart Mission Statement: Is to plan and facilitate events for women of the church that promote Christian fellowship and service.
Mother’s MinistryMinistry Leaders: Mo. Mattie Pigford and Mo. Clementine Bush Mission Statement: The is to dedicated themselves to uplifting of the Body of Christ, to aid younger men and women in their Christian growth. The ministry provides mature Christian perspective to new believers and comfort the sick in body as well as the sick in spirit.
Senior Usher MinistryMinistry Leaders: Sis. Elaine Boone and Sis. Yolanda Sherrell Mission Statement: Is to seek to ensure a pleasant encounter with God’s People in His Presence by welcoming and presenting a humble, positive and cheerful to those who have come to worship and serves with spiritual dignity and order during church services.
Usher Ministry #2Ministry Leaders: Sis. Charla McClendon and Sis. Bertha Hunter Mission Statement: The mission is to promote the divine worship of the church, to render service of any kind effectively; by being prayerful, prompt, tactful, courteous, alert, disciplined and attentive to the Pastor and the congregation.
Male Usher MinistryMinistry Leaders: Dea. Mack Hine and Dea. Sedric Hurt. On duty 4th Sunday. Mission Statement: Is to extend courtesies to our worshippers who attend worship services. Our mission is to be transformed so that we are better equipped to do the work that the usher has been called to do.
Youth Usher MinistryMinistry Leaders: Sis. Ruthie Jones and Sis. Tiffany Harris, On duty on 3rd Sunday. Mission Statement: Is to encourage our youth to be actively involved in the worship service. The ministry allows them to develop their spiritual growth as well as an opportunity to build their confident, while preparing them to become more dedicated and more responsible in service.
Music Ministry (Breath of Life)Ministry Leaders: Sis. Chandrea Warner and Sis. Andrea Wright. 1st and 3rd Saturday. Mission Statement: Is to magnify and glorify God while setting an atmosphere of praise that invites the Holy Spirit in. The ministry strives to uplift the members of St. Stephen and the community at large through song.
Music Ministry (Senior Choir)Ministry Leaders: Sundra Enous. Rehearsal: Saturday, before 3rd and 4th Sunday. Mission Statement: Is to serve the Lord with gladness and come before his presence with song.
Music Ministry (ELC and Mass Choir)Ministry Leaders: Sis. Patricia Carpenter and Sis. Natalie Weems. Friday before 1st and 3rd Sunday. Mission Statement: Voices that encourage and uplift God’s people through praise and worship. We aim to change lives with hope, comfort, and peace through our music ministry.
Courtesy Guild MinistryMinistry Leader: Min. Zanders Wooden. On duty each Sunday. Mission Statement: Is to devote service to God first and secondly to the Shepherd of the church by welcoming visitor with love. The ministry makes sure that everyone who enters the doors at St. Stephen feels a part of the family with a welcome that reflects our love for Christ.
Mission MinistryMinistry Leaders: Sis. Cherry Worthy and Sis. Judy Williams. As Needed. Mission Statement: Is to provide support to meet the physical and spiritual needs of people in our church and the community.
Bridge Over Troubled Waters MinistryMinistry Leaders: Sis. Cherry Worthy and Sis. Pamela Hurt. On duty 4th Saturday. Mission statement: Is to feed the hungry, to provide food, clothing and spiritual support to enable persons who are homeless in Atlanta to become self-sufficient and grounded in God’s word.
Psalm 89:1 MinistryMission Statement: Is the forerunner of worship. The ministry creates an inviting environment and constructs the proper atmosphere where the holy spirit is comfortable to move and manifest himself.
Man, Cave Men Bible Study Ministry"Ministry Leader: Dea. Richard Griffie. Class 3rd Thursday of the month. Mission Statement: The divine motivation of this ministry is to lead men and young male adult to the development and adaptation of a strong Christian mentality that will better equip the men with tools necessary to live a productive spiritual life.
Health & Wellness MinistryMinistry Leaders: Sis. Elaine Boone and Sis. Cherry Worthy Mission Statement: Is to encourage members to develop a holistically healthy life style spiritually, mentally, physically and emotionally.
Media MinistryMinistry Leader: Dea. Jason Turner. On duty each Sunday. Mission Statement: Is responsible for effectively communicating, the mission and vision of the church and the community through sound, visual media and other social media networks.
Vacation Bible MinistryUnder the Department of Christian Education. Mission Statement: The mission of the Vacation Bible Ministry is to provide teachings for all ages in an effort to promote learning about Jesus; to empower students and adults to use a various of Christian activities to become more responsible and accountable in their daily walk.
Christian Women in Action (CWIA)Ministry Leaders: Sis. Adrian Jackson and Sis. Judy Williams. Meeting TBA Mission Statement: Is to promote Sisterhood and building bridges for Christ through their Annual Scholarship Program.
Dance Ministry (Power of Praise):Ministry Leader: Sis. Alyssa T. Ford. 4th Sunday. Mission Statement: Empowering youth to become God-fearing adults in the area of praise and worship through expressively dramatic dance and vocal; illustrating the power of the Holy Spirit to all generations as we minister, mentor and lead others to the throne of Jesus Christ.
Children’s Church MinistryMinistry Leader: Sis. Kim Hall. Meeting TBA Mission Statement: Is to educate our youth about the good news of God and transform young unbelievers to mature believers of Jesus Christ.
Single Until God Says So (SUGSS)Ministry Leader: Bro. Earl G. Calloway. Mission Statement: Is to provide a group that fosters individuals wholeness through a relationship with God and openness with each other. Vision: Of ministry to see singles grow spiritually and emotionally, which will result in everyone actively succeeding in every area of their lives.
Young Adult Centered in Christ (YACC)Ministry Leader: Bro. Earl G. Calloway Mission Statement: Is to Cultivating, equipping, and empowering young believers so that they can impact the world through the knowledge and power of Christ.
Crown MinistryMinistry Leaders: Sis. Jhanai Clark and Sis. Jessica Buford. Saturday before the 2nd Sunday. Mission Statement: Is to inspire and fulfill young girls through the teachings of the word of God. By doing this, Crown Hopes to lead girls on a path of empowering others through His word in order to further create a Community of righteously God-fearing young women.
Youth MinistryMinistry Leader: Sis. Charnet Clark Mission Statement: To empower the mind, body and spirit of our youth so that they develop a lifetime relationship with Christ.
LPC & Punch Dance MinistryMinistry Leaders: Sis. Charnet Clark, Sis. JoAnn Cherry, Sis. Leila Dickerson and Sis. Jhanai Clark. Rehearsals: Saturday before 1st and 2nd Sunday. Mission Statement: All worship dance should be glorifying to God. And lead anyone watching to geater depth in worship.
Chosen “Church” MinistryMission Statement: Ministry Leaders: Youth ministry leaders. Is to engage young people in understanding that they have been CHOSEN by God to meet them where they are in their relationship with Christ. We do this by creating an environment where what they want to learn, talk and ask questions about is embraced.
Young Men Mentoring MinistryMinistry Leaders: Bro. Rashiod Pruitt, Dea. Jason Turner, Bro. Aaron Pittman-Delancey and Bro. Chris Q. Newell. Meeting Saturday before the 2nd and 3rd Sunday. Mission Statement: Is to inspire and influence young men through the teaching of the word of God. By doing we are inspiring them to become leaders in their church and in their community.
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